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Image by Ant Rozetsky

Grooming/Skier Report










Grooming/Skiing Report 2024-2025

1/19/25  Poor/No snow.  We had to ski at Wolf Creek for most of the season. The last two weeks we have been grooming a trail on the ice at Beaver Reservoir about 3 miles up the road past the South Fork Guard Station Nordic Trail.  Probably the best way to stay in the know this year is to get on our text ski/groom report list. Text 719 852 5083 and express a desire to get on that list. This year with the marginal conditions the text report will be the best way to stay in the know versus the web page.


We also put out planned grooming dates on the text notices based on current weather to let you know when the best time will be to ski the Beaver Res Trail.  ex If there is a snow or wind weather event coming, we will let everyone know the exact time/date we plan to groom and when the trail should be set up/skiable (it usually takes about 2 hours for the diagonal track/skate lane to set up after we finish the groom).


We just regroomed the trail at Beaver Res today 1/19/25.  There is only 1" of snow on the ice but the skate lane and diagonal track groomed up very nice.  Best place to park is at the boat ramp area next to large DOW signs. Currently If you ski the entire loop down to the dam and back (doing both of extra circle loops each way) the distance is 4.3 miles.


































































Feb 17 2024  Skied SF. At  8 am trail was a bit icy in some spots other spots had windblown and were slow. Quite warm later, parking lot was very muddy on top but solid underneath. Trail holding up ok but not sure what will happen this week with the forecasted warm temps.  Glide wax- surprisingly skis with Swix 7 was way better than Swix 8 for me.  


Feb 16 2024  Groomed SF.  Reset track and skate lane.  Should be good/great for weekend.  46F forecasted for highs for several days during the coming week.  Trail is currently in very good shape but the sun is getting higher each day.  Ski while you can.


Feb 14 2024  Groomed SF.  Groomed everything. Looked good but wind came up stronger than it was suppose to when I was leaving.  Suspect some will blow in but it should be firm.


Feb 11 2024  Groomed SF.   -7F early morn.  Warmed nicely to high 20s low 30s.  Skied pretty well but despite 2 passes to reset diagonal track it was still soft in a few places-scratching my head on that one.  Thanks Terry for skiing in the diagonal track.  Probably groom again mid week - trying to get things perfect.   Stepped off the trail a few times while grooming-snow is knee deep+++!.


Feb 10 2024.  Planning on grooming SF early Sun morn 2/11.  Looks like 1-3" overnight.  Hopefully get the diagonal track to firm up.  Plan to groom at daybreak/7am.  Hope to be done by 10am.  Give it 2 hours to set up- should be skiable by Noon.


Feb 10 2024.  Skied SF.  1/4" of new snow.  Skate lane was firm but Diagonal track was very soft.  Snow warmed up/better skiing by noon.


Feb 9 2024.  Groomed SF 16" of new snow. Got stuck with groomer a bunch!


Feb 4 2024.  Skied SF.  Trail was nice but snow/glide was a bit slow.  Good to see folks skiing on the nice day.  


Feb 3 2024  Groomed SF.  Waited for storm to pass and groomed Sat PM/Evening-let snow temp drop below 32f.  Snow gods smiled on us.  South Fork got 0" and the trail got 3".  Groomed up nicely


Jan 29 2024  Steve skied SF.  Trail holding up.  Steve suggests skiing the 11-12 time period before things get slushy.  We are avoiding grooming/pulling up dirt which would destroy the trail in these conditions.  This is also the reason why we discourage bikes, snowshoes, dogs at SF.  With such a skinny base (typical at SF) anything that brings up dirt or exposes dirt quickly melts and destroys the trail.  Three of us have a shoveled/hauled a considerable amount of snow this year to keep SF open.


Jan 27 2024  Skied SF.  Early morn -1F and skied slow. Track was firm and fast for stride skiers. Skate lane was very slow early then got much better as day warmed. Suspect Sunday skiing will be very very good.    


Jan 26 2024  Plan to groom SF late afternoon early eve when temp drops below 32F.  SF has received 1-2" it has settled some. Will do only a light groom as trail is getting very thin.  Should be good skiing on Sat but Sun will see 48F and those temps will hold for 3-4 days.  Don't think trail will hold up with those temps.  


Jan 24 2024  Steve B skied SF. Trail still ok.


Jan 23 2024  Skied Home Lake. Skate lane was fair-some places only a 1/4 to 1/8" of groomed snow over ice.  Wanted to do some double poling in track but not enough snow to prevent skies from "wondering". Overall ok when considering the warm temps-guess we should feel lucky to have ice/snow. Seen some ski tracks heading out to middle of lake and aerators - Jeez be careful!!!  Also please be careful around ice heaves as they change by the day and temp.


Jan 23 2024  Groomed Home Lake. Not much snow- really could not set a good track


Jan 22 2024  Steve reported good skiing at SF.  He skied after 11am and the snow had softened.  


Jan 21 2024  Skied SF.  A bit icy.  In the future with these weather conditions suggest folks wait until temps get above 32 so snow/trail softens or wait and ski it the day after we groom.  Thanks to Terry for shovelling some snow on bare spots.  


***We have occasionally seen a very cool bird on the Upper River Bench Loop (below the parking lot).  An American Dipper has been seen where the trail gets real close to the river and has been feeding at a spot of open water. This bird goes underwater and feeds on aquatic invertebrates that are on the bottom of the river. Suspect it eats the same food that trout do.  Look for a dark gray bird about 1/2 the size of a robin.  It has been perched on the ice right next to the open water then jumps in and totally submerses its self as it walks/swims along the bottom looking for bugs.  A rare bird esp in the winter.  Way cool!!


Jan 20 2024 Skied SF.  Skied very very nice.  Fridays grooming sure made it nice.


Jan 19 2024 Groomed SF.  Groomed up nicely.  Should be good for the weekend.


Jan 18 2024  Skied Home Lake.  Pretty nice.  Lots of folks already using it.


Jan 17 2024  Groomed Home Lake.  Groomed up ok.  Snow a bit thin to set a good track


Jan 17 2024  Skied Home Lake.  Snow (wind blown) a bit too deep in places for skate skiing. Will try to groom soon.  


Jan 16 2024  Skied SF. Some snow blow in on trail but still nice.  Will groom before next weekend.  


Jan 15 2024 Steve B skied SF All good.


Jan 14 2024  Skied SF very nice. Also had a nice a pot luck with folks bringing excellend food.  Met some very nice people. Thanks to all


Jan 14 2024 6am Groomed SF. Some drifting. Reset track and skate lane.


Jan 9 2024  3pm Skied SF. Very nice/firm.


Jan 9 2024  8am Groomed SF.  About 2" of new/windblown.  Reset track and skate lane


Jan 6 2024  Skied SF.  Very Good.  


Jan 5 2024  10am  About 1/2" of new over grooming.  Very Slow at 10am then got great glide after noon- think snow crystals changed as day progressed.


Jan 4 2024  4-6:30pm  Groomed SF. About 3/4 new.  Reset diagonal track.


Dec 29 2023  4-6 pm. Groomed SF - just a light touch up of skate lane.  Should be nice for Sat morn!


Dec 27 2023  Steve skied SF- still in excellent shape


Dec 23 2023  Terry skied the track at SF and commented that it was A+.


Dec 23 2023  Groomed SF.  About 4-5 inches of new snow.  Looks really really good.  Merry Xmas!!!


Dec 20 2023  Steve B skied SF.  Trail holding up well.  Also hauled snow to "parking lot hill".


Dec 19 2023  Skied SF.  Very nice, excellent glide.  Waxed with Rex Blue glide wax and it was perfect.  Also hauled some snow with calf sled to thin spots on "parking lot hill".  Cant believe it-- but trail is holding up nicely with the warmer temps. Skied all loops - all very good.  Don't take the readings from the new SWIX thermometer at face value.  Its facing south and consequently reads very high esp when the sun hits it.  We will have to move it into the shade someplace.


Dec 18 2023  Skied SF.  All good.


Dec 17 2023  Skied SF.  Very nice.  Early Dec grooming and touchup grooming has paid off.  Very nice.  Thanks to Steve B for shoveling snow on the few bare spots.


Dec 17 2023  Groomed SF.  Started grooming around 4:30am!!!  Touched up the Skate lane and things look nice.  Enjoy.  Put up signs.  Check out the new Swix thermometer- it is currently facing south so temps may appear abnormally high.  


Dec 15 2023  Skied SF and it was pretty good.  Some thin spots.  Definitely need rock skis but its nice to be skiing at a lower elevation with more O2.  Track pretty good.  Skating lane was a bit rough but plan to do a light touch up of Skate Lane around 5 am on the morn of Sun Dec 17.  Hope to be done by 7am.  Recommend skiers wait till 9 am to allow the snow to refreeze/setup.  Enjoy


Dec 14 2023  Groomed SF  About 6-8inches of new snow.  It was a wet snow! Thanks to our early December grooming we now have a decent base.  







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